In-Person Worship Service Procedures

Welcome back to in-person worship in the community of Grace Lutheran Church.  The objective of these procedures is to allow corporate worship with Holy Communion while abiding by Indiana state guidelines and ensuring the safety of our members and visitors to the best of our ability. 

Worship Procedures:

  • Pick up individual bulletins upon entering the sanctuary
  • Children to remain seated with family during the Children’s Messages
  • Discard used bulletins in trash cans upon leaving the sanctuary
  • Place donation envelopes in plates upon leaving the sanctuary

Holy Communion Procedures:

  • Approach the front of the altar steps as directed by the usher
  • Receive the Host from the Pastor and individual cup from the elder
  • Deposit used cups on the shelf behind the rail
  • Return to seats as directed

Other Notes:

  • Bring personal activity bags for your children

Before returning to Grace services, consider the following guidance:

  • Members who feel that staying at home is better for them at this time are encouraged to worship via livestream at our website.
  • Members who are sick, develop COVID-19 symptoms or believe they may have been exposed by close contact should stay at home.
